What is Manuka Honey and why is Nature's Gold Manuka Honey so good?

Honey has many uses and it offers so many medicinal benefits. In fact, for thousands of years going back to ancient civilisations, honey was used to help heal wounds and has also been reported to successfully treat burns, ulcers and infections.
What makes Manuka Honey special?
Manuka Honey Origins & The Unique Manuka Factor (UMF) Discovery
Active Manuka Honey (Leptospermum) was first discovered by Dr. Peter Molan M.B.E. of New Zealand's Waikato University Honey Research Unit while doing routine research on the antibacterial properties of honeys in general. Dr. Molan received an M.B.E. for his outstanding work on honey. Our Australian Manuka Honey comes from bees who feed on the flowers of the Leptospermum (several species), they then take the pollen back to the hive and add an enzyme which converts it to honey.
Antibiotic activity is only present in Manuka honey. The best medicinal Manuka Honey from Australia, has unique health properties, which make it special compared to other honeys. It is used in many ways to support the healing process that the body needs to stay healthy. All active Australian Manuka Honey comes with a rating and the higher the rating, the greater the antibacterial strength of the honey.
So why choose Nature's Gold?
1. Money back guarantee - Every batch of honey is university tested and is issued a certificate. Nothing else is added, and if you are not happy we will refund your money.
2. Beautiful creamy texture - We like to think of it as the Crème de la crème of Australian Manuka due to our special aeration process which helps prevent crystalisation and give the most decadent experience for your tastebuds without altering the medicinal properties.

3. Delicious - We may be a little biased but thousands of customers agree that our Manuka Honey tastes divine. We recently visited a wine sommelier and he had some amazing things to say about our Manuka Honey.
4. Some of the highest Strengths. - Our extremely rare, super high-rated, premium Manuka Honey is available in MGO 1000, 1250, 1450 and1550, some of the highest purity you will find. As this is a product direct from nature, slight flavour or colour variations will occur.
Our Premium Manuka Honey Collection is VERY RARE. Limited stock available.
Frequently asked questions:
Why is it more expensive to buy raw Manuka Honey over commercial floral honey?
Simply, there is far more global demand than there is supply hence a high price. The higher the grade, the more the demand, the higher the price.
It’s estimated that there is more than three times more manuka sold than there is supply. This means there is a lot of ‘fake Manuka’ being sold around the world. It’s important you check to see if you are buying a reputable brand. If the Manuka Honey seems cheap, it’s probably fake. Make sure the honey has been tested by a reputable organisation, i.e. a University testing lab. Find out more about real vs fake honey here.
Commercialised honey goes through a different manufacturing process that often takes out many of the great enzymes that lead to honey’s natural bacteria and healing power. In order to produce at high levels, often what was originally pure honey is stretched further. This can occur when honey is combined with other ingredients for commercial benefit. Manuka Honey is quite special due to the rarity of the Leptospermum plant. It is a native Australian plant that also grows in New Zealand. Not only is it rare, but the Leptospermum plant only flowers for approximately 6 weeks which limits commercial quantities of supply. The natural chemical Methylglyoxal (MGO) that is found in Manuka Honey has been found to offer concentrated bacteria-killing properties. Researchers have found that not only is Manuka Honey a fantastic antibacterial solution for external use but it also offers a number of internal benefits.
Some internal benefits include:
- Aiding digestive health
- Immune boosting when used consistently
- Natural Anti-Inflammatory and Prebiotic
- Soothing a Sore Throat
What is the difference between Australian Manuka Honey Brands and New Zealand Brands?
Despite our wonderful relationship with New Zealand, Manuka Honey has caused quite the stir as to whether it can be called raw ‘Manuka’ Honey in Australia? After many years of research in partnership with Australian Manuka Honey brands, the results are in. Local Manuka Honey graced the shelves not too long ago. However, the Leptospermum plant that produces the unique nectar for these bees to create it has been native to both Australia and New Zealand for thousands of years. The argument over the ‘Manuka’ name, however, simply comes down to the species. New Zealand has one particular species, while Australia has over 80. The best of Australian Manuka Honey researchers have found that not only are there prevalent species here in Australia, but some of them provide higher levels of antibacterial properties. At Nature’s Gold, we are delighted that we can produce Australian Manuka Honey. This product has proven to provide relief for many conditions, whether for internal or external use. Sharing this with the rest of the world at an affordable price level is important to us. We strongly believe that more people should have access to its antibacterial properties and benefit from its use.
MGO RATING - what is it?
What does the MGO rating on each jar mean, and why do we use this system? THE VERY HIGH SECTION, you could change that to 1000 – 1650 SUPER HIGH OR SUPER STRENGTH.

What does the MGO rating on each jar mean, and why do we use this system?
MGO occurs naturally in authentic Manuka, and this is the component responsible for much of its non-peroxide activity (NPA).
The amount of MGO in Manuka honey can be measured directly, using specialist chemistry equipment, and it is expressed as parts per million (ppm) or mg/kg. The approximate relationship between MGO concentration and the NPA of Manuka Honey is shown in the graphic above.
Manuka Honey Properties
Manuka Honey with a high Non Peroxide Activity (NPA) rating has been found in laboratory studies to be twice as effective as other honey against staphy Infections and e-coli, the most common cause of infected wounds. It is also eight times as effective against helicobacter pylori, the bacteria which causes most stomach ulcers, and this is one the most popular uses of Manuka Honey.
Location, Location, Location.
Pictured is one of our hive sites which is located in the dark green area of the Australian map (below). This is where the high strength Manuka Honey comes from. The honey is taken directly from the hives, centrifugally spun, then filtered and bottled. Every batch is tested at the Sunshine Coast University by Dr Peter Brooks and his team after which he provides Nature's Gold with a certificate with all the relevant data for that batch. Nature's Gold allocates a batch no. and this batch no. follows the Manuka from harvesting through to the customer.
No bacteria has been found, in the laboratory, to be resistant to the Non Peroxide Activity (NPA) activity.
Australian Manuka Honey uses a rich and unique enzyme known as glucose oxidase to produce natural hydrogen peroxide. All honey contain some levels of glucose oxidase, but Manuka varieties that are high in NPA are uniquely powerful at preventing and treating bacterial infections.
The Waikato Honey Research Unit at the University of Waikato in New Zealand, which first discovered active Manuka back in the early 1990s, also found that medical Manuka Honey also contains other non-peroxide, antibacterial components as well. These components are uniquely important because they are not broken down by the body's catalase enzyme system in the same way that hydrogen peroxide is, which makes Manuka Honey far more powerful medicinally than other forms of honey.
Australian Manuka Honey and Nature's Gold
Manuka Honey for the Skin.
Australian Manuka Honey with its amazing healing and moisturising properties is the main active in all of our products. It is able to penetrate the skin very quickly to start to repair and moisturise - see some examples below.
As Australian Manuka Honey is the active ingredient in our Therapeutic Skin Cream, it has a proven record for providing therapeutic and cosmetic benefits for many different skin irritations. Not only does it give symptomatic relief from irritations such as eczema, dermatitis, sunburn, insect bites and stings but it also has excellent moisturising and nourishing properties which make it an excellent all round cream for all skin types.
Nasty scratch - before and after Cracked heals - before and after
Sunburn Eczema
Fungal Infections
Manuka Honey is natures best defense against a range of common skin conditions and complaints and has special healing properties and is known to kill bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and E.coli.
- Healing
- Moisturising
- Softening
- anti-aging
- unique medicinal qualities
Harvesting the amazing health benefits of nature, Nature’s Gold has grown and bottled this nourishing nectar to bring you a range of Manuka Honey products. The best part, it is natural and has no nasty unexpected chemicals.
Listed below are conditions that you can treat with Nature’s Gold products:
- Eczema and Dermatitis
- Injured skin, i.e. cuts, scratches, abrasions
- Problematic skin conditions\sore throats and infections
- Stomach ulcers
- Insect bites and stings
- Minor burns and scalds
- Acne and rosacea
- Diabetes related skin conditions.