Treating Cuts, Scratches, Abrasions, Bites & Stings
Using Manuka Honey for Skin Infections and other Cuts, Scratches and Abrasions
Using Active Manuka Honey for skin infections
With a rating of 10+ or higher, using Manuka Honey for Skin Infections and other cuts, scratches and abrasions has shown to be effective against a wide range of bacteria and fungi. Not only does it assist in clearing any infection but also aids the healing process by stimulating tissue regeneration. Scarring and pain are also reduced and dressings do not stick to the surface of the wound. It is a natural antiseptic for the treatment of cuts, scratches and abrasions. |
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Perfect for Sensitive Skin
Cuts, scratches and abrasions are part of everyday life particularly for children. We believe that Manuka Honey for skin infections is the perfect solution to their sensitive skin.
Cuts are caused when a sharp object, like a knife or broken glass, slices through the skin.
Scratches tend to be minor cuts when a sharp or pointed object, like thorns or fingernails, is pulled along the skin.
Abrasions or scrapes occur when the skin is rubbed against a hard surface such as gravel, wood or cement.
How to Treat Cuts, Scratches and Abrasions
Most minor cuts, scrapes and scratches can be taken care of at home. The first priority is to stop the bleeding if any, cleanse the area and prevent infection from setting in. Whenever the skin is damaged, harmful bacteria can invade the wound causing it to become red and swollen.
Following are some suggested treatments:
- Stop the bleeding by pressing a clean, soft cloth against the wound. If the wound isn't very bad, the bleeding should stop in a few minutes;
- Clean the wound thoroughly with warm water and a gentle soap (caution: never soak a wound that might need sutures, because it may become more swollen and difficult to close);
- Apply Nature's Gold Therapeutic Skin Cream made from Manuka Honey for your skin infection. The antibacterial properties of the cream have proven to be highly effective in controlling the bacterial and fungal microorganisms that can cause various skin infections.
- Use a butterfly bandage to close the wound. This will keep the edges of the wound together so the wound heals with a nice, straight scar. Leave it in place for 24-48 hours to give the skin time to knit together and heal.
- Wash the scratch well with a mild soap and water;
- Apply Nature's Gold Therapeutic Skin Cream or Manuka Power. The antibacterial properties of the cream and/or ointment have proven to be highly effective in controlling the bacterial and fungal microorganisms that can cause various skin infections.
- Wash the scrape well with a mild soap and water to remove all the little particles of dirt and grit;
- If the dirt has become embedded in the scratch, you may need to use a clean soft cloth to clean out the wound;
- Pat the area dry then apply Nature's Gold Therapeutic Skin Cream or Manuka Power ointment. The antibacterial properties of the cream and/or ointment have proven to be highly effective in controlling the bacterial and fungal microorganisms that can cause various skin infections;
- Protect the wound by covering it with a loose-fitting bandage. Although leaving an abrasion uncovered promotes faster healing, it is better protected if the child goes back to play.
NB. For more serious injuries or if symptoms persist, consult your healthcare practitioner.
To purchase Nature's Gold Therapeutic Skin Cream or any of our other products please use either our secure online shopping facility or, if you prefer, you can us phone direct on 1300 309 128.
Insect Bites & Stings Treatment Products
Scientific studies have demonstrated Manuka Honey has highly effective anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Nature's Gold Therapeutic Skin Cream with Active 20+ Manuka Honey and MANUKA POWER Concentrated Ointment with 30% Manuka Honey, when massaged into the affected area, will reduce the pain and swelling from the sting or bite and also prevent infection.
Insect bites often cause one or more red bumps that are usually itchy and sometimes painful. Often there is a small hole in the middle of the bite, perhaps with the end of the sting sticking out. Apart from this local irritation, the bite is not usually dangerous provided the victim is not allergic to insect bites.
Bite or Sting?
The difference is due to the nature of the bite or sting. They can be split into two categories – venomous and non-venomous. Venomous insects attack as a defence mechanism, injecting painful, toxic venom through their stingers. Non-venomous insects bite and usually inject anti-coagulant saliva in order to feed on your blood. Although local irritation and allergic reactions to the saliva and anti-coagulants do occur from non-venomous bites, severe reactions such as anaphylactic shock only happen from venomous stings.
Non-venomous insects include mosquitoes, sand flies, chiggers, fleas, lice and bugs.
Venomous insects include wasps, hornets, bees and ants.
Symptoms of Insect Bites and Stings
The most common symptoms of insect bites include swelling, redness, itching and may be quite painful. However, they are not considered dangerous because allergic reactions are extremely rare. Venomous stings, on the other hand, are always painful, red and swollen up to twelve inches around the sting site. This is called a local reaction.
Our MANUKA POWER Concentrated Ointment was applied to this little boy's legs and arms. He had many mozzie bites and was scratching constantly. After applying the cream and ointment, the redness started to reduce and the itchiness stopped almost immediately. What a relief for Mum to know that her son was not in any discomfort. The ointment was applied several times that day and during the morning of the next day but by lunchtime there really was no need to apply anymore as the bites were nearly gone.
Manuka Honey works its magic again!
How to Protect Against Insect Bites
- wear long-sleeved shirts, pants and hats to reduce exposed skin
- use insect repellents on all exposed skin areas when outdoors
- bed nets provide excellent protection in tropical areas where window screening is not adequate
- avoid brightly coloured clothing, scented lotions and strong perfumes as these can attract insects
- if surrounded by a swarm of bees or wasps, move out of the way SLOWLY. Violent movements will only excite them and make them more aggressive and likely to attack
- stay away from anything that attracts insects including flowers, trees, bushes and piles of wood
- always use gloves when weeding in the garden or removing rubbish
What to Do If Bitten
Treatment depends on the type of bite or sting
Stings – if the insect has left a stinger, it must first be removed. This can be done by placing the edge of a dull table knife firmly against the skin next to the embedded stinger. By applying constant firm pressure, scrape the knife across the skin surface and the stinger. This will remove it without injecting more venom, which is what happens when you remove the stinger with tweezers or your fingers.
Bites – itching is the main symptom to control with insect bites. First, wash the bite with soap and water, then cool off the skin with ice cubes or an ice-pack wrapped in a cloth. Elevating the affected area will help prevent excessive swelling. Massage Nature's Gold Therapeutic Skin Cream immediately into the affected are to alleviate the itch and reduce the swelling of pain. Nature's Gold MANUKA POWER concentrated ointment can also be massaged into the bite area.
Any systemic reaction should be seen by a doctor immediately. This includes hives wherever they may occur, swelling in the face, shortness of breath or wheezing, difficulty swallowing and light headedness or fainting. These usually occur within minutes to an hour after the sting.
Manuka Honey products provide two-fold relief from Insect Stings and Bites.
Relieves the itchiness and reduces the redness and swelling and prevents infection.
To purchase Nature's Gold Therapeutic Skin Cream or our MANUKA POWER Concentrated Ointment please use either our secure online shopping facility or, if you prefer, you can us phone direct on 1300 309 128.