Barbara's Story
"My skin now feels soft and luxurious"

My hands, arms, back, front and legs were virtually covered in this red
web like colour. Other reactions to this disease include always feeling hot because of the extra layer of blood on the outside of my body and suffering with extremely dry skin. I have tried every brand of moisturiser on the market - from the expensive to the very cheap. Nothing ever seemed to work for me. Half an hour after putting on the cream I would again be suffering with the irritation of dry skin. It was very distressing and embarrassing. I have been having laser treatment to help with the unsightly marks and the specialist told me to use a moisturiser in conjunction with the laser treatment.

I started using Natures Gold therapeutic skin cream and to my amazement this cream is the only product I have used that has helped my dry skin.
Now I look like everyone else (what a wonderful feeling). My skin is now soft and luxurious without the continual dry feeling. I have been telling others about this product and now, another friend suffering with psoriasis, has also achieved great relief by using Natures Gold. I can only speak in the highest terms about this product and what it has meant to me. Not only has it assisted with my dry skin it has worked very well on the areas of my body that have not been treated with laser.

I would highly recommend using Natures Gold as it has definitely worked for me.
Barbara - Sydney, NSW